May 25, 2011

Flood control project in Tokar

The Tokar delta is a flood plain in Sudan, just north of the Eritrean border. The Baraka River flows when the rain comes to the Eritrean highlands. Khor Baraka brings water and silt each summer (July and August) to this agricultural region. Various flood control systems are needed to ensure the safety of villagers, and the non-destruction of roads. The European Union has funded some work. From March, 2011 comes this expectation:

[In the] Red Sea State,  the Tokar Delta Recovery Project is working hard to bring about a substantial transformation.

Major activities under way there include:
The construction of an all weather crossing at Sheddin of the season river that floods the delta. This is the largest work undertaken by the project. It will be completed in May, 2011.

Reconstruction of earthwork banks at critical places in the Delta to ensure that the flood water distributes to the places it is most needed. Clearing land and marking the landholdings to bring another 5,000 feddan under cultivation free from mesquite in addition to the 10,000 feddan cleared last year.

All work now under way will be completed before the floods come so any modifications can be made in the next dry season [fall 2011].

Read more!
SPCRP - Model Projects Flyer No. 13 March 2011

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