Heavy rain through the summer has caused repeated floods in Khartoum, filling the streets with water. Above average rainfall across the country has caused floods across the nation. Aid relief has been difficult to deliver in some areas, and the Sudanese Red Crescent reported that donations for relief totalled only 30% or the $4.5 million they needed. They have helped 49,000 people, providing chlorine tablets, soap, and mosquito nets. Working with Red Cross officials they raised their goal of helping 40,000 people to 140,000 for the next six months.
Aid experts said that cases of malaria are on the rise in flooded areas. The World Health Organisation reported mid August that the floods had triggered an outbreak of cholera in eastern Sudan, with 763 cases reported and 53 people dead. A Sudanese health official denied the existence of the disease.
Toward the end of the month the European Union offered 2 million Euros, and the United Nations launched an appeal for $20 million, in addition to $13.5 million that was already given through the UN's Central Emergency Response Fund. Over 200,000 people have become homeless in Sudan due to the flooding. The rainy season continues until October.
UPDATE from another source
Further details resulting from the heavy rains in Sudan.
200,000 homeless. 40,000 families homeless in northern Sudan. 365,000
people affected by flooding across 16 of Sudan's 26 states. 73,839
houses have been damaged or destroyed. 50,000 hectares crops ruined.
"worst flooding to have hit the country since 1988"
4,680 homes in Khartoum destroyed.
Many houses destroyed in Sennar.
Hundreds of families stranded in Kassala area from flooding of River Gash
Khartoum state - 13,000 families affected by flooding.
North Kordofan State - Wad al-Buga dam at Khor-Bagara collapses.
Southern Sudan - 6 dead. 10,000 families displaced. Thousands of cattle
dead in Upper Nile, Unity and Jonglei states.
August 9 - Blue Nile at Khartoum more than a meter higher than 1988 levels
August 25 - 30,000 homes destroyed and 150,000 homeless in eastern Sudan
September 4 - 20,000 houses destroyed in Kosti city.