April 2, 2009

Change inside the Beja Congress

The Beja Congress has relieved Shiba Dhirar from the position of Vice President and Member of the Beja Congress’ Central Committee, reports Al-Akhbar.

Dhirar had issued statements earlier accusing the party leadership of embezzlement.


April 1, 2009

Ex militants being rehabilitated

In a three month review of the humanitarian situation in Sudan, the UN OCHA noted that many ex-combatants are returning to civilian life. Here's the text of the article.

The Support to Human Security in Eastern Sudan project has
succeeded in collecting some 750 small arms, and demobiliz-
ing 1,700 ex-combatants from the Eastern Sudan Front as of
February 2009. This achievement is part of the Disarmament,
Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) process that included
registration, medical screening, HIV/AIDS counselling of all
disarmed and demobilized persons. Reinsertion packages
such as food, clothing and USD 400 per demobilized ex-
combatant were also provided to each eligible beneficiary as
part of the reintegration support services. 

The UN Development Programme (UNDP), in partnership with
North Sudan Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration
Commission (NSDDRC) also trained 1,251 ex-combatants
on veterinary and basic business management skills and pro-
vided a number of goats, sheep and commodities to help
those who are ready to start up small businesses.  The remain-
ing caseload was provided with micro-business start up pack-
ages and vocational training. UNDP also trained NSDDRC staff
in the east, which enabled them to conduct with ex-
combatants the orientation and one-on-one counselling proc-
ess. This demobilization of ex-combatants is part of a larger
DDR in Eastern Sudan that started in June 2007 in contribu-
tion to the implementation of the 2006 Eastern Sudan Peace
Agreement that ended a decade-long conflict between the
Government of Sudan and the Eastern Sudan Front.

In 2007 UNDP launched the Support to Human Security in
Eastern Sudan project in partnership with NSDDRC. Currently
the Food Agriculture Organization and several NGOs are sup-
porting the project as implementing partners, providing partici-
pants with economic reintegration packages and training.  

Plans for the demobilisation of an additional 2,254 ex-
combatants from Sudan Armed Forces and Popular Defence
Forces and other armed groups are underway.
